A Journey of Reflection: Discovering Myself in the Amal Fellowship

Rahimeen Haider Ali
2 min readFeb 13, 2024

As I sit down to reflect on my journey with Amal thus far, I’m overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of learning, growth, and self-discovery. Amongst all the interactions and conversations I’ve had, there’s one particular instance that stands out, resonating deeply within me.

During a project discussion session, I found myself grappling with a challenging problem. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t seem to find a solution. Frustration was creeping in, and I felt like I was hitting a dead end. Then, amidst this struggle, a fellow batchmate approached me with a fresh perspective. They listened intently to my ideas, offering insightful suggestions that sparked a new line of thinking. It was in that moment of collaboration that I realized the power of collective wisdom and the importance of seeking help when needed.

This incident made me reflect on myself and the way I perceive challenges. I realized that I often hesitate to ask for assistance, fearing it might show weakness or incompetence. However, witnessing the generosity and support of my peers shifted my mindset. I began to see vulnerability not as a flaw but as a strength, as it opens doors to new ideas and collaborations.

The energy and attitude exhibited by those around me played a significant role in this realization. Their willingness to share knowledge, offer support, and embrace vulnerability created a nurturing environment conducive to growth. Their positive energy was contagious, inspiring me to approach challenges with renewed optimism and openness.

Looking back, I can’t help but think about how I would approach similar situations differently. I now understand the value of seeking input from others and the importance of fostering a supportive community. Instead of struggling in isolation, I would actively seek collaboration and leverage the collective wisdom of my peers. This shift in perspective has not only impacted my approach to projects but has also influenced the way I navigate through life’s challenges.

My journey with Amal has been transformative, thanks to moments like these that push me out of my comfort zone and encourage self-reflection. Through the support and encouragement of my fellow fellows, I’ve gained valuable insights into myself and the world around me. As I continue on this journey of growth and discovery, I carry with me the lessons learned and the relationships forged, grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a nurturing community.



Rahimeen Haider Ali

🔌 Electrical Engineer | ✍️ Content Creator | 💡 Design Enthusiast 📚 Lifelong Learner | 🌟 Motivation Seeker | 🤝 Let's Connect!