Beating Procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique: My 25-Minute Success Story

Rahimeen Haider Ali
1 min readDec 29, 2023

Hey there! Have you ever struggled with procrastination? I sure have! But I recently discovered a game-changing method called the Pomodoro technique. Join me on my journey as I tackle procrastination head-on and get stuff done!

I decided to conquer the clutter in my room. With the Pomodoro technique, I set a timer for 25 minutes and promised myself to focus solely on tidying up during those bursts of time.

Staying focused wasn’t easy. I kept getting distracted by my phone buzzing and my thoughts wandering. But I learned to jot down distractions quickly and jump right back into cleaning. Surprisingly, I got more done in those 25-minute sessions than I thought possible! Each “tick” on my paper felt like a mini-win, motivating me to keep going.

I’m definitely sticking to this technique! Next time, I’ll set my phone on silent to avoid distractions and create a dedicated workspace. This experience taught me that small, focused chunks of time can lead to significant progress. It’s a game-changer for beating procrastination!



Rahimeen Haider Ali

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